Oopsies xD |
say stuff u noobie loser guests
Name: | just click the up coming article  | E-Mail: | zqnyjz gmail.com | Homepage: | http://sdkfsdklfskdlflsd.com | Time: | 02/09/2013 at 10:12pm (UTC) | Message: | I like it whenever people come together and share opinions. Great blog, continue the good work!| |
Name: | tonjahodgest  | E-Mail: | tonjahodges sina.com | Homepage: | http://www.loveslouisvuitton.com/ | Time: | 01/15/2013 at 10:29pm (UTC) | Message: |
"I don't want to see him go, because it's working out really well for me to have him in the White House," Obama said of his departing chief. "But my loss will be the nation's gain."Lew, known as a tough negotiator who clashed with House Republican aides during last year's debt ceiling negotiations, previously served as the director of the Office of Management and Budget under both Obama and former President Bill Clinton. Lew will replace outgoing secretary Tim Geithner, who took the post at the s <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> tart of Obama's first term, when financial markets were still roiling from the 2008 meltdown. "I couldn't blame Tim when he told me he wasn't the right guy for the job," Obama joked. Praising Geithner for his handling of the economy throughout his four year tenure, Obama noted that he pleaded with Geithner to stay on despite his onetime desire to leave before the end of Obama's first term. Economist Greg Ip and CNBC's Steve Liesman share reactions from the markets, foreign capitals and Congress to Jack Lew as the Treasury Secretary nominee. "When the history books are written, Tim Geithner's going to go down as one of our finest Secretaries of the Treasury," Obama said to sustained applause from the audience at the White House. In remarks, Lew joked about his famously loopy signature, saying that he and Geithner share "a common challenge with penmanship." (The Treasury Secretary's signature appears on all paper currenc <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> y.) Obama wryly responded that, while he considered rescinding Lew's nomination over his sloppy signature, the new pick had promised to work to make at least one letter legible so as to "not debase our currency." Critics have pointed out that Lew, who served as chief operating officer of Citigroup Alternative Investments in 2008 before coming to OMB, from that unit's investments in anticipation of the housing market collapse.That's likely to be discussed at his confirmation hearings, and Republicans like Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions have already voiced opposition to Lew's selection for the post. On Thursday, Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue describe <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> d the new Treasury pick as an experienced veteran of fiscal debates. "Jack's been around for a long time," he said. "He's a tough dude." For more about Lew's background, click to read NBC's coverage from yesterday. NBC's Bob Costantini contributed to this report. Explore related topics: , , , ,
<a href={url}>{keyword}</a> |
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